167 Nixon Street Shepparton 5821 2576
2 Katamatite Rd Numurkah 5862 0300

Bruxism or Teeth Grinding

Do you know that you grind your teeth?
Has the Dentist told you that your teeth are wearing away through grinding?

We know that there are no universally proven techniques or methods that will stop people grinding their teeth.
For night grinders we can make you an "occusal splint" (or Night Guard). This simple appliance is worn at night giving them a protective layer against damage. We really want to work with you to save your teeth from the damage of excessive wear.

Have you also read about methods to improve the quality of your sleep e.g. relaxation methods; good sleep habits - avoiding alcohol, caffine and computers in bed!

Sometimes we may suggest you investigate the relationship between sleep apnoea and bruxism and respiratory issues and bruxism.

When you clench or grind your teeth it is important that you seek sound advice from a dentist.

Articles of interest
Current Treatments of Bruxism. . 2016; 18: 10.
Bruxism: Conceptual discussion and review - NCBI - NIH

New patients welcome Book online today

Shepparton Clinic 5821 2576

167 Nixon Street Shepparton VIC 3630
Mon-Fri 8.30 am - 5.30 pm (normal hours)
Sat by appointment only (normal hours)
Sunday - closed

Numurkah Clinic 5862 0300

2 Katamatite Rd, Numurkah VIC
Mon-Fri 8.30 am-5.30 pm (normal hours)
Saturday - closed
Sunday - closed

Our Dental Practitioners

Dr Sath Saranathan
Dr Raathika Raj
Dr Tom Mackey
Dr Margaret Tran
Dr Karen Luu
Dr Sirisha Kommidi
Dr Rutuja Nirale
Dr Manpreet (Pree) Kaur
Dr Natalie Dassanayake
Ms Hayley Emmi (Oral Health Therapist)
Ms Renee Church (Oral Health Therapist)
Ms Hawrah Al-Bendar (Oral Health Therapist)
Ms Aimee Brond (Dental Therapist)

Visiting specialists

Mr Kevin Spencer (Oral Surgeon)
Dr Andrei Locke (Periodontist)
Dr Matt Filei (Endodontist)

ADA member
Environmentally friendly
Cares about your health


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