167 Nixon Street Shepparton 5821 2576
2 Katamatite Rd Numurkah 5862 0300

Now is a great time to book in for a gum health checkup

Just love that "just cleaned" feeling!

Did you know all our dental team needs to get their teeth checked and cleaned?


Because of the odd shapes and complex little gaps around our teeth we cant be too sure about our own gums and teeth.
We are the dental health experts so we know we need someone else to check our teeth and gums.
We are just like you in that we need someone else to help, without judgements.

Our personal tricks

  1. Don't rush the brush. We are also in a rush but some of us use our phone timer or radio in the bathroom to slow the rush.
    Everyone needs to start with the 2 minute clean. As you get older it may take longer, especially if the teeth have moved a bit or you have big fillings or crowns.
  2. Brush morning and night. In the morning it is easier to remember because we don't want to walk around with that dry stale "sleep" breath.
    At night we want to cleanse away the days food for a healthy sleep. Did you know that you have less saliva in the night so your tooth defense against bugs is greatly reduced. (That is why a midnight snack is an unhealthy idea!)
  3. Drink tap water (yes don't let those expense supermarkets take your money unnecessarily.
  4. Gums will shrink away from any damage and can never be put back. We can replace most solid teeth problems but your gums need constant attention to stay healthy.
  5. Bleeding gums are a really bad sign. Make a note of where you get bleeding and let us know ASAP.


gum health checks for everyone

New patients welcome Book online today

Shepparton Clinic 5821 2576

167 Nixon Street Shepparton VIC 3630
Mon-Fri 8.30 am - 5.30 pm
Sat by appointment only
Sunday - closed

Numurkah Clinic 5862 0300

2 Katamatite Rd, Numurkah VIC
Mon-Fri 8.30 am-5.30 pm
Saturday - closed
Sunday - closed

Our Dental Practitioners

Dr Sath Saranathan
Dr Geoff Woodhouse
Dr Raathika Raj
Dr Tom Mackey
Dr Margaret Tran
Dr Karen Luu
Dr Sirisha Kommidi
Dr Rutuja Nirale
Dr Manpreet (Pree) Kaur
Dr Natalie Dassanayake
Ms Hayley Emmi (Oral Health Therapist)
Ms Renee Church (Oral Health Therapist)
Ms Hawrah Al-Bendar (Oral Health Therapist)
Ms Aimee Brond (Dental Therapist)

Visiting specialists

Mr Kevin Spencer (Oral Surgeon)
Dr Andrei Locke (Periodontist)
Dr Matt Filei (Endodontist)

ADA member
Environmentally friendly
Cares about your health


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